Friday 3 January 2014

Tomatoes to come

Last post I reported on two of the varieties of tomatoes I am currently picking. I have many other varieties yet to ripen.

This year all tomatoes I put in were kindly provided to me, via the supply of seed by Yvonne. Her choices so far with the Jaune Flamme and Purple Cherokee have been spot on. These varieties have had great flavour and juiciness.

Now I can't wait till some of the others ripen.

The first Speckled Romans wont be far off now. One is already turning and others are developing their characteristic stripes. Why aren't they called Striped Romans?

I am also waiting on the Green Grapes to ripen. This plant is the sole survivor of the frost snap in late October. I had several more in but alas they were burnt off. It's sometimes hard to know when a green variety is ripe isn't it? Other than a by giving them a little squeeze? Does anyone have a technique or tip?

I am growing other small varieties. I am also growing a Yellow Pear and a Red Pear. The plant below is  the Red Pear ripening up 

The other varieties I am growing, again , all thanks to Yvonne's generous supply of seeds are, Peach -  it has a nice squat shape... 

Oxheart Yellow, and

Verna Orange (which has a little bit of a Blossom-end rot problem - see the fruit's flat bottom?).

Here are more Purple Cherokee on the way!

And more Jaune Flamme...

I am really looking forward to my tomato glut.  Happy Tomatoeing everyone!


  1. The tomato glut is coming to an here with the last of the green picked ones ripening on my kitchen counter. Jaune Flamme has become one of my favorite tomatoes, it's one of the first to ripen, it's relatively prolific, doesn't take up too much space, and most importantly it's delicious, and it's beautiful too. I grew Green Grape this year too. You will know that it's ripe when it starts to get a yellowish tint. I also found that they practically fell off the plant when I touched them when they were very ripe. I'm looking forward to reading about how the rest of your tomatoes fare.

  2. Oh I wish I'd know it was going to be a good year for fruit fly! I cut back considerably on tomatoes in disgust, yet I've hardly lost anything this year. I love those speckled Romans too.

    1. It may not be a good year... it's just that in my little patch it sees that the fruit fly don't know I'm here yet. My neighbour - two kms thru the bush - has fruit fly, but we don't (or didn't last year and so far haven't had this year). Sydney might still be infested... I think for sure it will be.



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