Thursday 2 February 2012

Bad split tomatoes, good split tomatoes

bad split tomatoes - two of many
  • basil
  • thyme
  • oregano
  • parsley
Got home a bit late for the usual garden inspection before dinner, but tomorrow morning I KNOW what I will find. Lots of split tomatoes becasue of too much rain!

It is a tough tomato season in Sydney.  Since planting in early October - a full month later than I usually plant because it was cold  (for Sydney) -  I have had  lots of leafy growth, slow flower set and then flowers that were not pollinated  becasue it was "too cold for the bees" , at least that's what  the gardening show on Saturday morning on 702 ABC  Radio said.  Then lots of fruit  not ripening becaue of no sun and mild weather! While I have been picking, there are still so many  to turn.  And  today, a day of nothing but rain,  means that anything struggling to ripen will have split! That's the bad splitting tomato.

Good split tomatoes? Well that was dinner. Damn! I didnt take a photo!

Tomato herb pasta
lots of cherry and berry tomatoes*
fresh herbs, whatever you've got I used basil*, parsley*, thyme*, oregano*
Kalamata olives cut into thin bits
olive oil
dried chilli flakes

Heat oven. Prepare a baking tray with olive oil. Prick lots of cherry and berry tomatoes and place in the baking tray. Pop in oven until they have started to split and wilt but are still round and juicy.

In the meantime put the pasta on, cut up herbs, garlic and olives.  Heat some oil in a pan and cook garlic a little. Remove and mix all ingredients together (oil, garlic, herbs, olives, tomatoes). Mix through pasta.

Serve with parmesan and ground black pepper and eat. Yum! Good split tomatoes!


  1. Yum, I am a fan of tomatoes, olives and chilli mixed with pasta - I always include parsley, probably because I'm obsessed with it.....oh and quite often capers and anchovies - but yours is simpler...perhaps I'll make it for dinner tonight...

    1. We have so many little toms that we might just have the same again tonight - but perhaps with your suggestions of capers and anchovies too! Swap!



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